Morgo Unit Rotary Oil Pump

£152.45 ex VAT

5 in stock


The Morgo Super Rotary pump is capable of delivering approximately twice the oil of a standard plunger pump even  when the oil is very hot. A rotary pump of the new type will still pump oil adequately when the oil is in a very contaminated condition, and the pump is very worn. Normally the contamination in the oil would hold open the ball valves in the plunger type pumps and stop the pump working at pressure, scavenge or both. Resulting in either no oil pressure or the crank case full of oil. No number of extra ball valves can eliminate this possibility.

This is what one customer had to say :-

Hi, fitted the pump yesterday and it does exactly what its supposed to do, i.e deliver oil! I started the engine and watched in amazement as oil returned in a steady stream to the tank, no oil came gushing out of the rockerbox caps or pushrod tubes and no the crank oil seal didnt blow! BTW these are things i read on a few “internet forums”. It didn’t take too long to fit (in the end no shims were needed), instructions were pretty well clear, pump does what it says it does and both me and the Triumph are happy! Smile Thanks

Technical Information

Weight 0.4 kg

Suitable for :- 3TA, 5TA, T90, T100 TR6, T120, TR7, T140 350cc, 500cc, 650cc Units & 750 Twins. T120 models after 1961 Non-Electric Start Twin Cylinder Unit Construction Triumph Motors (1958-


1 x Drive nut 1 x Rotary Pump 1 x Drive Coupling 1 x Gasket 4 x Shims 2 x Bolts